To celebrate the grand re-opening of the Fort Collins Lincoln Center, IBM Ring 250, The Presto-Digitators are presenting a FREE MAGIC SHOW, “Kids Performing for Kids,” Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 10:00 AM for kids and their families. Featuring several talented young magicians from around the state, as part of the 18th annual Magic in the Rockies convention, that brings nearly 200 magicians to town. Tickets are FREE and only available at the Lincoln Center Box Office. (No “will calls,” no purchases on-line.)
Also at the Lincoln Center, the annual Magic in the Rockies Saturday Night Public Show (September 10, 2011 at 7:30 PM), featuring some of the World’s Greatest Magicians in town for the convention. Reasonably priced tickets ($7, $12, & $25) are available online at LINCCOLN CENTER BOX OFFICE or at the Box Office 970 221-6730.
Magic in the Rockies also presents a FREE MAGIC SHOW, Wednesday, September 7, 2011, 5:00 PM, in Old Town Fort Collins. Can’t we use a little magic right now!